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News, Page 9

Successful outcomes for children wearing hearing aids

A written article in the online Hearing Health and Technology Matters, explains how research has confirmed that the more a child wears hearing aids the better the outcome. This is not a surprise.  Several years ago it was reported that children who wore hearing aids 10 or more hours/day performed significantly better than kids who did not wear hearing aids 10 or more hours a day.  This is the Gold Standard. Continue reading →

MEDEL events for CI users and people considering a hearing implant

About MED-EL MED-EL manufacture a range of hearing implants and devices for babies, children, and adults. As the industry’s technology leader in implantable hearing solutions, MED−EL products are the result of over 40 years of focused research and a commitment by our founders to foster a company culture of excellence. MED-EL are present in over 120 countries, supporting over 200,000 users and their families across the world. Continue reading →

Wisdom and the Cochlear Implant Clinician

Professor Helen Cullington is an USAIS Clinician (Audiologist - Clinical Scientist) and Chair of the British Cochlear Implant Group.  Her recent article in ENT & Audiology News about the development of artificial intelligence, remote care and the role of the clinician delivers food for thought. Providing remote care is technologically easy: we’ve been able to remotely access someone else’s computer for decades, making even remote mapping technically easy. Continue reading →

Is it possible that some deaf families have inherited a “deaf gene”?

James Hoskins is deaf and is one of the founders of an initiative to connect up those with inherited deafness who may well have shared the same ancestors. He has two adult daughters, one of whom is already experiencing deafness.  This, he says, has provided the impetus to re-visit the history of inherited deafness.  He says Genealogy research has come along in leaps and bounds since I last ventured into it.  I'm currently using ' Continue reading →

An update on surgery slots as we head into the colder months

We usually experience disruption to surgery slots due to cancellations by the hospital in the early months of the new year.  Unfortunately this year, we seem to be experiencing this earlier than usual.  Southampton General Hospital have sadly let us know that they are currently on black alert which does mean that some of our surgery slots have had to be cancelled this week.  We are working with patients and families affected. Continue reading →

RESEARCH OPPORTUNITY: Online workshops for children between the ages of 8 and 16

Are you a parent/guardian of a child/children between the ages of 8 and 16? We are conducting two online workshops which aim to adapt a questionnaire for those with severe hearing loss.  This questionnaire is to help us better understand how hearing loss affects children’s daily lives (something we call quality of life).  These online workshops are open to young people aged 8 -16. Continue reading →

The Soldier’s Tale – with BSL or Captions – Saturday 16th October 2021

A pact with the Devil, a magic book that can tell the future, and a charmed violin which holds power over all who hear it… Score by Igor Stravinsky This classic tale is played, danced and performed by the cast at the Turner Simms Concert hall on Saturday 16th October.  The performances are accessible to people with hearing loss through the use of a BSL interpreter or captions. Continue reading →