Refreshments and catering services around the University
The University of Southampton University Auditory Implant Service, often referred to as USAIS, has a small waiting room which accommodates a range of patients (all ages and abilities).
There is not enough space to provide catering facilities safely within the waiting room, though a water fountain is available for patients to use.
Patients are welcome to bring their own refreshments and, when the weather permits, enjoy them in our garden where there are bench seats.
There are several places around the Highfield University Campus to visit for patients who wish to enjoy food and refreshments. You may spot pop-up food stalls, selling street food, around the campus, though these come and go. The following places are always open during USAIS clinic appointment times.

The University Library is the nearest refreshment facility to the USAIS building and a walk there from the centre, will take less than 5 minutes, at an average walking pace. There is a Starbucks at which food and drink can be purchased as well as seating, vending machines and microwaves in the foyer. Patients can sit in the foyer, and eat their own food alongside Southampton University students.
Some patients may want to plan their journey and visit in advance of their appointment. If you visit the campus at weekends or in the evenings, when USAIS is closed, you can sit in the foyer and grab a drink or a chocolate bar from the various vending machines.

Walk a little further, cross University Road opposite the library, and you will find the Staff Club, where there is more seating and usually fewer students. It doesn’t look like much from the outside, but inside there is Latte’s Cafe, selling drinks, sandwiches and cakes, Hartley’s Bar and Eatery, where you can get a pizza and a drink. There is also an eating area where you can purchase more substantial meals; on Fridays you can get a very reasonably priced breakfast if you arrive early enough.

From the Staff Club, walk through the Bus Terminal, cross Salisbury Road and walk through the car park and on the edge of the University site, are Costa and Pret a Manger. Or you could walk along University Road towards Burgess Road. If you are a fan of these brands, it’s worth the walk, especially on a nice day when you can sit outside.