Global CIICA Survey: Cochlear Implants in Deaf and Deafened Adults

On February 25th of 2021, Cochlear Implant International Community of Action (CIICA) was launched, a new and innovative community of organisations, individuals and experts sharing the vision of increasing access to cochlear implants, and lifelong support for those who benefit from them.

If you are a CI user or know someone who is – CIICA need your help!

CIICA have received a grant from Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada to carry out a survey of Adult CI users of the services that they receive and would like after implantation.

This is the first global survey of its kind, and we would really like as many responses as possible. Surveys are available in English, German, French, Spanish and Italian. 

CIICA are asking all CI users to complete the survey, and to share it with others with a Cochlear Implant. The more responses CIICA receive, the better and more influential the report will be. 

Responses must be back by 30 April so that CIICA can start analysing and reporting. 

In order to complete the survey click on the link below.

Link to English Survey on Survey Monkey

Thanks so much for doing this – and for sharing it – we look forward to sharing the results! and using the report to advocate for services. 

Go to for more information and share the link.