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News, Page 11

PhD Audiology Opportunity: Subarachnoid Haemorrhage, Hearing and Cognition 

Subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH), a subtype of stroke, is a bleed on the surface of the brain.  It has a high fatality rate (approximately 50%) and for those who survive it is often a life altering event. There is increasing recognition that, although people with a history of SAH look outwardly healthy, they have substantial "hidden" disability which impairs their daily functioning. Continue reading →

Recording of electrode voltages on the surface of head to test for cochlear implant problems

At USAIS we have developed a new, easy-to-use test which measures how current flows from cochlear implants. The test uses electrodes which are placed on the head of the cochlear implant user. The test is able to accurately pick up when the current flow within the implant is not normal, such as when the device is not fully inside the cochlea.  The test also has the potential to show up other subtler problems with the device. Please see examples of test results below. Continue reading →

COVID-19 update 6th January 2021 (with BSL)

Following the government announcement on the 5 Jan, the Auditory Implant Service is still open for clinicians to see patients in clinic.   We are reviewing the appointments that have been booked and will be postponing some of them to ensure we remain COVID-safe during a time when the virus is highly transmittable. We will contact patients if their appointment has to be cancelled for the time being.  If you need an urgent appointment, please let us know. Continue reading →

Sarah Flynn – Clinical Scientist (Audiology) – Retirement

Sarah retired at the end of November 2020.  She was an Audiologist and colleague who worked at USAIS as the lead in Bone Anchored Hearing Devices.  Sarah reflects on her working life below: During my 23 plus years at the Auditory Implant Service I have met many interesting and wonderful staff, patients and others in the wider auditory implant field. I have moved buildings, the department has changed it’s name and staff have come and gone. Continue reading →

Development of a wearable haptic device based on CI professionals and users’ recommendations

  Ahmed Bin Afif is an Institute of Sound and Vibration (ISVR) PhD student.  He is working with the Auditory Implant Service (AIS) to explore ways to improve cochlear implant users’ access to sound, particularly in more challenging listening environments.   As part of this work, we are looking at developing a vibro-tactile (also known as haptic) device. Continue reading →

Living with Deafness inspires Jacqueline Haskell

Living with deafness inspires Jacqueline Haskell's debut poetry collection for Myriad's spotlight on unrepresented writers Published 29 January 2020 - Price ÂŁ5 per book ISBN 978-1-912408-46-7 or E-ISBN 978-1-912408-47-4 Link to entire book collection This dazzling series shows that if the barriers can be vaulted there is true beauty to be had from the lesser-walked streets of literature. Continue reading →

COVID-19 Update 3rd November 2020 (pre November 2020 Lockdown)

Following the most recent guidance from the Government, effective from Thursday 5 November for at least 4 weeks, we have reviewed our working practise to ensure that we will be complying with national restrictions.  USAIS is already implementing a maximally Covid-safe scenario with reduced activity, so we do not envisage any change at all in terms of how USAIS is running for the new lockdown, though of course we will keep this under review. Continue reading →