Bone Conduction Implants
Bone Conduction Hearing Implants include both bone conducting hearing devices (BCHDs) and middle ear implants (MEIs).
BCHDs bypass the outer and middle ear, delivering sound waves directly to the inner ears. Surgical interventions can result in percutaneous (implant abutment remains within the skin) or transcutaneous (sound travels through the skin to the implant) devices being implanted. BCHDs can be used with a non-surgical fitting on a softband, headband, SoundArc or adhesive adapter. The most appropriate implant depends on our selection and assessment process.
MEIs are surgically implanted electronic devices which aim to correct hearing loss through stimulation of the cochlea by delivering sound energy to the ossicles (very small bones within the middle ear) or directly to the round window of the cochlea. A MEI electronically stimulates the auditory nerve entrance to the cochlea. MEIs are placed into the middle ear and leave the external auditory canal open.