Spares and Repairs


We have a dedicated repairs telephone number and email address for our auditory implant patients who require replacement parts or if you have another problem with your processor.  The team is a small one, so if they can’t get to the phone in time, do leave a voicemail message and they will pick this up as soon as they get back to their desks. 

Most problems can be resolved by changing specific parts or the processor..

Patients who are subscribed to a Manufacturer’s Repair Service should call them in the first instance.

Who to contact for USAIS repairs queries

emails to
texts to 07887 790765
calls to 023 8059 4068

Who to contact for Cochlear Care repairs queries

emails to
texts to 07903 585780
calls to 01932 263630

Who to contact for MEDEL DirectCare

emails to
texts or Whatsapp or SMS to 07930 363351
calls to Freephone 0330 123 5601

Who to contact for AB4U repairs queries

emails to
calls to 01223 847888 (choose option 1)

When you can contact USAIS repairs service

Day Opening Hours
Monday – Thursday 8.00 am – 5:00 pm
Friday 8:00 am – 5.00 pm
Saturday – Sunday CLOSED
Bank holidays CLOSED

Bank holidays: We are closed on bank holidays. During University Closure Days (Easter and Christmas) we operate a limited repairs service.

If you have a medical emergency with a Cochlear Implant or Bone Conduction Hearing/Middle Ear Implant over the weekend, or at any other time when we are not open, please call 111 in the first instance before visiting A&E.  If you do visit A&E, ask to see the on-call ENT doctor.

Look after your processor and accessories

It is important to regularly clean and maintain your processor and accessories.  If you do this, they will last longer.  Microphone covers need to be replaced every three months or sound will become muffled, your processor and accessories need to be placed in a dry box each night and the bricks within the dry box should be changed every two months.  A manufacturer has produced this flyer about disinfecting your processor..

Please find information about accessories, costs, processor problems, batteries and lost processors below:

Replacement equipment/spares replaced free of charge

Spare headpiece cables, coils and ear hooks will be issued in the kit at initial programming or upgrade. We advise our patients to contact us to request replacement items as soon as the spare is used. This is to ensure that the user has spare leads available at all times.

Spares and Repairs Request form

Some accessories cannot be replaced free of charge

One Year Warranty Applies

In the patient kit there will be a number of items that will be provided such as audio listening cables and accessories such as water wear, microphones, streaming devices and TV Streamers. These items, if faulty, will be replaced during an initial one year warranty period – post-switch on.  After that time, these items can be purchased from the manufacturer.

This warranty period does not apply to replacement coils and cables as USAIS or the manufacturer (if patients are subscribed to their service) will provide replacement parts when they become faulty to keep the processor working.

Spares and Repairs Service Information

Replacement equipment is provided free of charge to patients and sent by first-class post for next-day delivery.

Spares requested during the day are currently being sent out the following morning.

If parents and schools wish to keep extra spares in addition to the above, information on obtaining these direct from the manufacturer (with a price list) can be provided on request.

If the Naida Link Hearing Aid or the Naida Link CROS needs to be sent for repair, unlike with speech processors, the patient will need to wait for the device to be returned to USAIS.  Patients will not be provided with a spare device.

Speech processor problems

Just as for conventional hearing aids, speech processors can develop faults from time to time. If a speech processor develops a fault:

  • Firstly, we ask the patient/parent to identify the fault using the troubleshooting checklist issued at initial programming. Click here for troubleshooting advice.
  • If the problem persists or the patient needs advice, they can ring the USAIS spares and repairs helpline on 02380 584068 and our support staff will be able to assist with the troubleshooting and may be able to resolve it. If necessary we will get an audiologist to return the call as soon as they are available. We can also be contacted by email ( or text (07887 790765).

If a speech processor has to be sent out please state clearly whether it should be sent to the patient’s home address or the school. Please have address details handy when calling us.

Replacement speech processors are sent out by registered post and should be received the following day.

A speech processor is an expensive item of equipment (approximately £5,500). We only have a limited number to issue as replacements in the event of equipment breakdown, therefore it is important that broken or faulty speech processors are returned without delay using Royal Mail Special Delivery. Repairs can then be carried out and our stock of spare equipment maintained.

Faulty and broken equipment must be returned to the Implant Centre.  If processors are returned by post, you will need to get postal insurance cover at the Post Office which costs a few pounds.  AIS can provide a special envelope for you if funding is an issue for you.

Lost Processors

If you have lost your processor please read the policy and complete the relevant form, depending upon which device you are using.

Lost Processor – BAHD Policy and Form

Lost Processor – CI Policy and Form


Rechargeable batteries:

If the processor requires AA or AAA rechargeable batteries, these will be provided by us, as well as the battery charger. USAIS expects that all patients using processors with rechargeable batteries will use this option as their main power source and we will only provide one box of disposable batteries per year for holidays and emergencies. Custom made rechargeable batteries that should last a number of years.

Non-rechargeable batteries:

If your processor doesn’t have a rechargeable option or it is deemed that you require disposable batteries for other reasons then these will be provided by USAIS. An initial supply of batteries will be provided at one of the first appointments, after this you can request more disposable batteries which will be posted out to you directly.

Holiday loan processors

A holiday loan processor can be arranged directly through your implant manufacturer.  There is a fee to pay and the manufacturer will contact the relevant centre to request maps and send the processor out to patients directly.  You will need to return the processor to the manufacturer when you return from holiday.


Advanced Bionics